Tag Archives: Whitemud Creek Ravine

Whitemud Creek Gone Green

Green and spectacular

While my internet and TV are out, and before I go fully feral, here are some photos from my walk this morning with Sharon and Stella in Whitemud Creek Ravine (north).

It’s a wonderful trail, mostly flat, with great views of the curvy creek which has now turned a kind of sludgy green, although it’s still very much frozen. Mill Creek does that too. Not sure where that colour comes from. It’s actually a little more day-glo than my photos suggest.

Stella, refusing to pose again…

I’m no fan of grey skies, but the temperature was pleasant with no wind, so I will take it. I need to walk with Sharon and Stella when it’s sunny! We always seem to pick days that are overcast.

Random tiny birdhouses!
Random tiny birdhouses (with googly eyeballs)!

-5C, 12,450 steps.

A Walk with Sharon and Stella

Sharon and Stella

Nice walk with Sharon and Stella today in the newly reopened Whitemud Ravine north, east of the Snow Valley ski hill.

Whitemud Creek with a big ass tree

Sharon brought some seed for the chickadees, who happily obliged. Met Wayne, the resident birdwatcher in full camouflage taking photos of a pine grosbeak. Should have brought my binoculars.

Me and a Chickadeedeedee…
Sharon and a Chickadeedeedee…
That’s where the River Queen is!

Overcast but warm(ish).

Frosty and Blue

A frosty Donna

Drove over to Whitemud Ravine south (Westbrook trail head) to walk with Sharon, Vic and Stella. It was a frosty, beautiful morning walk under blue skies. It’s hard to stay inside when the sun is shining.

Be-masked Sharon, Vic and Stella, who chose not to wear a mask

If we couldn’t be together for Christmas, at least we can go for walks. And even though we were outside, because we were walking fairly close to each other, we all wore masks. It gave me a chance to bust out my “Tell Your Dog I Said Hi” mask. A ridiculously true statement. It’s also on my car.

Blue shadows in Whitemud Ravine
Prehistoric handprints on the guardrail?

There were lots of folks on the trails, no surprise, and spikes were an absolute necessity since the Whitemud trails have lots of ups and downs. I don’t walk enough on that beloved trail. It’s as familiar to me now, and as resonant with sense memories, as my old favourite Mill Creek Ravine – another neglected trail. There are definitely some spectacular river valley trails where I live now, but I am missing the variety.

Bluest blue creek
So many blue shadows
At the far end of Whitemud Ravine south (next to Rainbow Valley Road
Hoar frost or rime, not sure…

-7C/about an hour

Is that…the sun?

God knows I love a rainy day. If I am not at work, it’s like free time. I don’t feel pressured to do anything but read. And drink coffee. And listen to the lovely sound of raindrops on kittens, or something like that. But this is getting ridiculous. We’ve had so much rain from mid-June to now, mushrooms have become the official plant of Edmonton, and I swear some of them are becoming sentient.

According to local weatherologist Josh Classen this is only the second rainiest period (June 1-July 7) in the recent past at 138 mm of rain, and we’ve had more rain since he made that graphic. However, enough complaining. Yesterday evening (Wednesday), the clouds broke after an exceedingly gloomy day, and the sun and blue sky were like a spa day and jail break rolled into one. It was beautiful.

I drove over to Sharon’s for dinner, and a walk with Stella. We walked along the powerline and then into Whitemud Ravine. The creek, as expected, was very high and fast which made Stella even more nervous about crossing the wooden bridge, but she made it and we had a great time. She looked particularly lovely nosing about in the clover.

The good thing about the rain is the lushness of the foliage, and a reprieve from the always looming drought, but today it’s once again overcast and cool. Looking forward to my day off on Friday which is supposed to be sunny and warm. O Great Mushroom Lord of the Sky, let it be.

Whitemud Creek

Wednesday (19C) 7:20 – 8:15 pm    

Really, I’ve Walked

Stella eyeing Nuthatch

Oh Facebook, robbing this blog of content. Must be the instant gratification of FB. I never know who is reading this blog, if anyone. No matter, it’s kind of a personal journal anyway, with pretty pictures. As always, I want to spread the word of how magnificent the green spaces of our city are, but the blog also serves as a record of my existence, of my adventures small and large, of the dogs in my life, and of the passage of time. That’s enough. But readers are good too.

So here is my walk from Sunday, June 2 with Stella, in a hot and sunny Whitemud Ravine.

I think it was about 22C