Good god I’ve done it again! I am writing this post about some peak spring walks on June 29, more than a month after the fact. I have got to stop doing this! Thankfully, I can back date it to the actual date of the walk.
This post combines two walks, May 24 and May 28. One was in Glenora with Tom, the other was a walk around the neighbourhood.
Thursday, May 28 (a lunch time walk): I’m not particularly girly-girl, but I do loves me some pink! Also yellow and green and purple. With bonus poplar fuzz!

May 24: Wow, what a beautiful day! Glenora ➡️ Laurier Heights. Two hours, thirty-four minutes, and 16,954 steps with Tom. It was hot! 17C to start, 22C to end. Sadly, the Glenora fountain (in Alexander Circle) is not on, probably due to the massive City of Edmonton debt, like every other municipality in Canada.