Well, it’s been more than a month since I last posted. In that month, we’ve been virtually snow-free, except for the deepest parts of the ravine. We’ve also had two major 10cm+ dumps of snow. Melting, snow, rain, melting, snow, rain and so on. Very few precipitation-free days. The good news is that we are not having a droughty spring. The bad news, snow. So. Much. Snow. Today it was a virtual white-out, but with temperatures just above zero. The grass is greening up, when you can see it.

There are also green things poking up from the mud. And lake-sized puddles.
I need some sun.
I’ve had a few walks this month but far fewer than I would like. Yesterday, Sharon, Vic and I walked to the pond along the power line. The water is completely open, and a few ducks and some geese were floating around as dumbfounded as the rest of us.

March 26, I went down to north Whitemud Ravine and photographed seagulls on the river, mostly.
Yesterday, wet geese and a raging Whitemud Creek.
All walks are good. Lately, my right leg is bothering me, like it’s misaligned or something, but once I get walking, it’s fine. The key is to get walking.

Hopefully, in the next few days, the sun will come out and a proper spring can begin. And by spring I mean no snow and lots of blossoms.
And now, seagulls:
3C, or thereabouts, for most of April (although to be fair it was in the mid-teens last week…)