Assorted Greens

Whitemud Leaves

Warm, bright and buzzy 90 minute walk. Other observations: Lots of poplar fuzz. Whitemud Creek is very, very low. We really need rain. Days of it. The grass is crunchy. Tried to take a picture of a beetle but it beetled away. Took three photos of a baby chickadee. At least I think it’s a baby. Seemed a little stunned and disheveled. There was a constant hum of bees as I walked. And birds. Some I recognized, others I didn’t. So. Much. Green.

Bad feather day
Bad feather day
More puffies...
More puffies…
Kinda gross, so I thought I should snap a photo
Kinda gross, so I thought I should snap a photo
I. Am. So. Thirsty.
I. Am. So. Thirsty.

That’s all.

2:30 to 4:00PM/22C

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