Astonishingly beautiful weather! For most of March, it’s been above 5C and some days into the teens, like yesterday when we ventured into the swamps of Terwillegar off leash. Maggie has been jonesing for walk, or something, for awhile now. She is ambivalent about walks around the neighbourhood (we go anyway), but I think the problem is the leash. She wants to be free. Who can blame her? So do I, but I think her desire is less existential than mine. Maybe.
Terwillegar was, as expected under such warm temperatures – dotted with pools of shit-coloured water, patchy snow, and brown slush. Also, some areas of grass and mud in muted tones of Maggie. She blends in quite nicely with spring colours.
In spite of the ‘freedom’, Maggie wasn’t noticeably enthusiastic, although she seemed to enjoy herself. Bits of puppy come out still, especially when a stick or a well-scented bush is involved, but otherwise she’s just happy to pad along, slowly, companionably. Once she can jump in the river again, I think her engagement will ramp up.