Dirty Dog

Spot the dog

It’s as if Maggie’s surgery three weeks ago to remove her various and sundry lumps (all benign) re-energized her. Maybe those fatty deposits were bothering her after all. I know they bother me (mine, not hers.) The last two walks, one on Sunday by the trail head in Westbrook, and the other one today, down the powerline to Whitemud Ravine, she has expressed no resistance at all to the hills. Could be she was just bored the last two weeks: housebound, with long stitches on her flank and under her chin. The obstinance will probably return, but in the meantime, we’ve enjoyed some very nice walks, and she’s very much enjoyed a few dips in the creek.

The path south of the bridge in Whitemud Ravine (below the powerline) is incredibly lush again, and full of mosquitoes. We’ve had a lot of rain, and there were puddles and mozzies everywhere. Maggie had a fine layer of mud on her from all the puddles so I don’t think she felt the impact of the buggery. I, on the other hand, was well and truly attacked. Worth it though. Always worth it.

Maggie takes a dip
Maggie takes a dip

20C/2:00 PM

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