The above quote is by L.M. Montgomery from Anne of Green Gables. I don’t remember the book per se, but I remember this quote. It’s true. October is beautiful. September is when things start to change, and some years it is well underway before the start of October. This year, it has stayed mostly green and warm but in the last week, basically since the start of October, the GREAT YELLOWING has begun in earnest.
Today as I write this, it is coolish (14C), rainy and windy. Yesterday, when I hosted Thanksgiving dinner, it was sunny and 22C. Tom and I even managed to go for a walk before the turkey entered its final journey to deliciousness around 2 pm.
But, as is often the case, I am writing this blogpost days after a notable walk. Here we go.
What a beautiful October 1 walk! 21C. Ramsay Ravine is finally open again after a summer’s worth of erosion repair. I’ve been checking periodically and even questioned the City of Edmonton on Twitter, and they said end of September, and alas, they were right, although the original opening date was mid-summer.