Helloooo Mill Creek Ravine, but seriously, 36C?

Mill Creek Ravine trestle bridge

It’s September 3rd, but today (Saturday) it’s 36C? Overall it’s been an OK summer. August was hot but now with AC, life is much improved. The heat makes walking difficult though, so Tom and I have walked super early the last few days.

Today I drove over to the Strathcona Farmer’s Market around 8:30 am and was in Mill Creek Ravine by about 9:15 am. It’s been an awfully long time since I’ve been to the market or walked down in Mill Creek, and the last time the south end lower trail was blocked off for repairs. I wanted to see if it’s open and it is but it seems like a recent occurrence. The frost fences and signs were still there, just off to the side.

Protector of Mill Creek Ravine

So happy to be back in ‘my’ ravine, which I know like the back of my hand. Lots of people down there as well taking advantage of the cool September morning before the sun (which is a bit orange from a fire in Jasper) beats the living hell out of everyone and their dog, many of whom were wet from the creek (the dogs that is).

Protector of Mill Creek Ravine

As I expected, autumn is well underway in the ravine. Even though the city is still 95% green, the ravine — cooler and darker — is wearing its fall trousers. There is the tiniest hint of autumnal rot in the air, a welcome scent. There are also lots of leaves on the ground, and the creek, with very little rain in August, is extremely low, but not so low that the dogs can’t splash and play, which is really all that matters. Saw a kid down there with a pail as well.

Fresh from the creek, wet dog prints

I didn’t walk the full length of the ravine, just a taste, and was back to my car before the heat had well and truly settled on the city. It was still coolish inside (where all my market treasures, like MacIntosh apples for future pies) because I had parked under one of the enormous trees that canopy the streets in Strathcona/Mill Creek. All in all, a productive and beautiful morning.

View from my favourite bridge!

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