Wow what a gorgeous day! It feels like spring.
Walked to an absolutely packed Hawrelak Park for a socially distanced but affectionately close weenie roast with Janna, Grace, Colleen, Lisa, and Kate. With the exception of Lisa (Colleen’s partner) and Barb, who was not there, these are the wonderful gals I spent my birthday with in Scottsdale in 2013.
The park was absolutely packed. I’m not sure if there was an event, but I think the combination of the warm weather, blue skies, and covid lockdown drove folks to the park, and particularly the lake (for skating). I’m glad I walked down there because there wasn’t a parking spot to be found.
It was fantastic to see my friends again…in person. It takes a lot of coordination to share meals with people outside your bubble these days. Lots of separate containers, disinfectant and personal utensils, so thanks to Colleen and Lisa for the major set up, including the weenies and the fire.
The last couple of times I’ve been around a wood stove or bonfire, it starts out feeling great, but then later it’s like I’ve been in the backseat of a car with two heavy smokers (you know, like every car trip of my childhood). It takes 24 hours for me to lose that slightly sick feeling. I never used to be that sensitive to smoke, but I am now. Hopefully soon we will be able to gather indoors.
5C, 13,512 steps.