
Continuing on a theme…we had a near record-breaking wet July, and parts of June, and now, parts of August (I’m writing this after the fact). On the one hand, it’s wonderful. The grass, the flowers, the trees, everything is going nuts. It’s beautiful. I would MUCH rather have too much rain than not enough.

On the other hand, it’s hard to plan anything. It’s rained almost every day, and sometimes very, very hard rain. Some festivals have been compromised. While it only rained two of the four days of Folk Fest, the grounds were so wet they trucked in sand and placed wooden walkways everywhere. The ground underfoot was still soft, however.

For me, I’ll take the rain. The weather has also been cooler than average, which makes it easier to walk and easier to sleep.

Most of my walks in July have been commutes, with a handful of longer routes thrown in. The caterpillars buggered off about the second week of July so at least I have the river valley back.

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