I didn’t even get a chance to write about last Sunday’s (October 2) beautiful autumn walk in the river valley before the snow started to fly on Friday! Since then, it’s snowed about 10 cm. Yesterday, everything was covered in snow. A lot of it has melted, but not enough to uncover the still green grass. And now, just looking out the window on Thanksgiving Monday, it’s snowing again! It’s too soon, man. Too soon.

On to more edifying things. Last Sunday was, as mentioned, a beautiful walk. We started at the bottom of rainbow valley road, and then walked north to the river. It was very colourful. Peak fall. Particularly nice was the half hour or so we spent on a bench, watching squirrels, or more accurately, one squirrel grabbing the peanuts I left on the rail one after the other, stuffing them into his hidey-hole not too far from the bench. I also had chickadees eating sunflower seeds out of my hand. Yeah, it was exceedingly bucolic. Tom was laughing over that squirrel, who eventually cleared out all the peanuts. It was a wonderful moment. As much as I loved that walk, I think I would have been a teeny bit more appreciative if I had known that was basically it for fall.
Maybe we will get a few more weeks. Maybe not.

Last Sunday 6C/Today 0C.