Another gorgeous April day in Edmonton. Somehow we managed to avoid the snow on Saturday, and it’s been getting steadily warmer since then. Feeding cats in Rossdale this morning, and later I walked up to the trail that ends at Skunk Hollow. Nice to walk along that original monkey trail. There were remnants of a small fire at one point, and a very strong odour. Luckily, it didn’t spread because the woods are very dry. (Wait, I should clarify one point. I was not feeding feral cats. I was feeding my sister’s cats.)

Across 99th into Mill Creek Ravine. No frogs, and the bog itself seemed quite shallow. They need to hop on over to Whitemud.

Mid-morning, the skies were a bit overcast, but they eventually cleared. Rather spectacularly, I must say. By the time I was crossing the low-level bridge back into Rossdale (around noon), the sky was blue, the sun was hot, and I was in dire need of a cold beverage.

10:22 to noon/18C