Golden Ravine

Mill Creek

Most excellent walk through a beautiful, autumnal Mill Creek. As always, the season seems a week or two advanced in these low-lying parts. The leaves are already crumbling on the trails. Some of the trees are bare, and the creek is just a leaf-strewn trickle in the rocks. So very lovely.

Mill Creek leaves

Walked from my hairstylist just off 99th, to downtown via the ravine. Started with a jacket, ended with it wrapped around my waist. Cloverdale Pedestrian Bridge was just packed with river valley enjoyists. Walkers, runners, the ubiquitous and incredibly goofy segway perchers, folks smiling into cameras, or just hanging over the rails, taking in the scenery. Lots of gulls, lots of sunshine. Lots of everything. Wish one of the mayoral candidates had been out on the bridge today to see this people and nature-filled slice of Edmonton. It can’t be replicated.

River Valley sky


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