Super nice today. Unusually nice. 25C. And…and….I got off an hour early, so I dived into the river valley. Head first. Started below Saskatchewan Drive, then over to Rossdale (how I missed you), and Louise McKinney (how I really, really missed you.) The river is so low at the moment Seagull Island has turned into Seagull Archipelago. I think it was at this time last year I saw an eagle take out a gull. Pretty exciting. Especially for the gull.
Of course, there was the inevitable 25 minute LRT ride at the end of my walk, but nevertheless, I still had an hour and some in the woods. So lovely now…but just a taste of what it will be like in a few weeks. Get to do the same thing tomorrow, only this time I’ll be in Mill Creek. I really detest relying on public transit for my commute. I’ve been spoiled. So spoiled. Everything else about this temporary relocation is working out beautifully, but I deeply miss the freedom of living close enough to make my commute on foot, and not just to the river valley trails but to everything. Or mostly everything. The weekend walks with Maggie are great, and the mini-walks in the evening with her are fine too, but not having that green space to look forward to after work is kind of depressing. No wonder I could barely keep ass in chair today anticipating my commute.