Another perfect day. Kept this walk to an hour…got stuff to do and my shoulders could use a little less up close and personal with the sun. Just a half loop around Mill Creek Ravine. Enough to feel rejuvenated but not exhausted. I think if I wasn’t a walker, I would still try to escape into the ravine just to get away from the construction noises on 99th and Scona Road. Even in the thickest part of the woods, the constant pounding can be heard, but happily, the birds drown out most of it. Lots of singing today, sweetening an already heartbreakingly lovely landscape.
Saw my first ever Pine Grosbeak, on my birdfeeder, not in the woods. Had no idea what it was…had to consult my local bird book. Unlike the orangy red breast of the Robin, the male Pine Grosbeak is scarlet red, from his tiny head to his tiny feet. Just the wings have a bit of brown and white. Really something. Glad I keep my binoculars by the chair. Man, I am starting to sound old. Thank god I don’t knit.