In the Pink

Colour by DeLuxe

Yeah, still pretty pink out there, but the green is taking over. A quick couple of walks Tuesday and Wednesday because of the rain. Today, overcast skies but no rain, so I took a longer route through downtown and McKinney. The east end of the park is vibrating with colour, with more to come once the rose bushes start to bloom. This area of Louise McKinney Park is where the LRT will come through once construction gets underway, if it ever gets underway. I’m glad the Chinese community is now disputing the downtown route. The more delays the better, although it will be lack of money rather than public dissent that tanks this particular southeast LRT route. Find another route, City of Edmonton. This one is nothing short of a big, ugly gash through downtown and the river valley.

The North Saskatchewan is running high and fast. The marker, as always, is Seagull Island just off the east shore of the river…and today, no birds, and no place for them to perch. Also, no squawking. On the other hand, mother goose has been steadfast in her attentiveness to the nest under the Cloverdale footbridge. I think she has four eggs. It’s a terrible place for her to perch in some ways, because the goslings have a hell of a long way to fall when they fledge. In fact, I think the boards were placed there so that she wouldn’t nest on the cement pillar, but home is home I guess. At least they’ll land in water.

Only other forms of life of note today were the giant frickin’ swarms of mosquitoes in Mill Creek Ravine. Seriously, I haven’t seen that many legs and wings since the last time I was in the woods. A few days ago. What up with the mozzies this year?

a devoted, but dumb mother (taken from on top of the cloverdale footbridge)



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