What a day! Gorgeous walk through the river valley infused with gold, blue, green, and red. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves… 23C!

Long walk in the snow to Rossdale to wish Joanne a happy birthday!
Sharon and Kate joined us. Not the celebration we would wish for Joanne, but nice to see the faces of my sisters and my niece! Or at least, part of their faces.
This will be the mildest day for the foreseeble future as we enter the first true cold snap of the winter (or as Shawna Gawreluck on Twitter says, “It’s not a snap, it’s a cruel, frost laden million pound anvil of death potential”). In spite of the wind and the snow, with all my gear and the walking, I was often too hot, but Sharon and Joanne were cold, so a short visit.
About -11C and snowing HARD. 15,412 steps, a little over two hours there and back.
So here we are. A new year. 2021. It’s nice out. That’s enough for now.
I walked for just under two hours. Into the river valley via the golf course through Victoria park, River road, MacKinnon Ravine, Glenora, museum and home. Funny, when I got to the museum, the sky was already dusking with that wintry pink/orange horizon. It was only about 2:30 pm. The sun is setting around 4:24 but when the sun is that low, sunset is always close.
We’ve had pretty nice weather and virtually no snow for most of December. The grass is really starting to show on the south side of things, including the museum grounds.
11,456 steps. About -2C.
Another amazeballs walk, this time on Autumn Eve around lunchtime. Always funny how when Autumn hits every year (this year, September 22), it’s already Peak Fall in Edmonton, followed in quick succession by the brown season and then snow. Nevertheless, it’s very beautiful and we’ve been getting great weather, but the ominous presence of winter looms.
A bit windy, but about 18C and very colourful. 10,222 steps.
Met a little friend on my after-work walk to Tom’s – a Spotted Tussock Caterpillar, also known as a Woolly Bear Caterpillar also known as a Tufted Teddy Bear Caterpillar! They are not uncommon, but it’s always nice to see one. They look like they would have nice personalities.
My camera, if I use the wide angle setting, can give really interesting effects, but it also distorts on the edge. Trying to get as much green in my photos as possible as we head into Fall. Once again it was windy but it got up to 21C. 11,773 steps.
We’ve had some coolish temperatures in the last couple of days and a few, yellow leaves are blowing around on the ground. I am not looking forward to Autumn. It’s beautiful, and in the thick of it, I love it, but it’s always too soon. Always. We never get a full August without some hint of autumn in the canopy. And once it starts, it’s so quick. As I have said before, September (along with May) is the most changeable month. It starts out summery, and by the end, it is almost past-peak fall.
The day started off very grey and cold, but by the afternoon the sun was shining. I had planned on making some pies with a huge bag of Tom’s apples, but the draw of the summer afternoon was too strong.
It was very cheering to walk into the river valley via the Victoria Golf Course and be surrounded by deep, deep green and full, swaying foliage. There were lots of golfers and some physically distant activity happening on the grounds, with the sound of laughter wafting through the trees. It was all so…normal. Kind of a gift.
Once I was past the golf course, I walked along river road and then up into Glenora via the paved trail. It really felt like summer. I then met up with Tom and we walked back into Oliver via the museum, now a favourite route. I ended up with about 15,000 steps. The temperature never got above 18C, but that was OK. The good news? It’s still summer.