How dumb is it to post a week after a walk? Life, I guess. On Sunday, August 30th, Tom and I went for a walk in Whitemud Ravine. It was a long walk, from Westbrook over to the river – almost three hours there and back. It was a beautiful day (if I recall), and hot, unlike today (Saturday) which is overcast and autumnal (13C).
The highlight was finding a fairy cottage near the north end of the Whitemud trail! I recall reading about a similar house in Mill Creek, but I haven’t seen it. This one was very charming…and full of little dollies, including Bob the Builder. Lots of sparkles in the dirt, fairies on the tree, and bedazzled pine cones hanging from the branches. I anticipate the squirrels with take over, and a few days later, Sharon did see some seeds inside the house.
I don’t know why people do this sort of thing, but I approve.
Previous to this walk (on the Wednesday) we walked the circuit from Riverdale to the top of 98th Ave. It was chilly but beautiful.
And on Tuesday, I visited Monica out near Sherwood Park. It’s so lovely out there!