Two Walks in Peak Spring

I just want to eat it…

Another post that includes two walks: last Thursday’s walk home (May 23), and today’s noon walk (May 29). It’s been a gorgeous week of peak spring colours, scents and temperatures. Today it’s supposed to get up to 32C, which is why I walked at noon, but otherwise, it’s been lovely.

May 23: My walk home was sure purdy! A moment of excitement when I witnessed a stand off between a dark-eyed junco and a chipmunk. Not sure what that was about. My money was on the junco, which seemed like a bit of a bastard, but they disappeared into the long grass so I will never know how it turned out. Oh wait, maybe they weren’t fighting?

Today (May 29): A half hour lunchtime walk along Saskatchewan Drive, preceded by a beautiful walk to the LRT this morning. I’ve been doing this for awhile, and it’s much nicer than taking the bus. Takes about 25 minutes or so (the bus takes 10) and the route along 102 Avenue is far more beautiful, green, peaceful (other than the morning birdsong), and restorative than standing on a hot, crowded, germ-infested bus.

Lilacs from today’s walk, a week later than the other photos

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