Not So Bad

I’m always amazed at how a day can look so miserable from inside, but once you’re out, tramping along some trail in the woods, it’s not as bad as it first appeared. I had to walk a long while in the blowing snow before I reached that state of awareness, but it did happen. I think it was the birds. Once I was past the powerline, and down the hill into Whitemud, it got very quiet, except for the almost imperceptible sound of the snow falling on the trees, and the chickadees; happy to sing whatever the weather. Also, the waxwings were flocking. It was very peaceful, and peaceful is always beautiful, even if the sun is lost behind the clouds. The dog couldn’t care less, and the dreary skies meant that the ravine was empty, so she was able to run untethered through the woods. In spite of the pleasant walk with Maggie, I’m trying very hard not to think of all the family members currently basking in the warm sun of Arizona. This will have to do. This, and a bag of Cadbury mini-eggs.


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