Well, four actually. It’s the same trees. The photo to the left was taken this afternoon on the path toward Skunk Hollow, and the one below was taken in late June. I was thinking fondly of summer today, as my nose was running like a bank thief and my thumbs were struggling out of their solitary mitten pockets in a desperate effort to join their warmer finger cousins. The image of summer in my mind was of these trees, and how different they look now. For better or worse, winter seems like a natural state, while summer fades to a dream-like memory in February.
Was it really that green? Was it really that warm?

At least I walked. I’ve been maddeningly inconsistent about my exercise, of late. Too cold, too slippery. I have been busy…that’s a legitimate excuse, but weather, for the most part, is not. However, it did seem terribly cold today. It’s getting warmer this week, but I can’t wait. Can’t wait for the weather to change, can’t wait for ideal conditions to put one foot in front of the other…can’t put life off. I can, however, complain about it.
The sun showed its bright face all day, so at least it looked beautiful. Looking forward to some longer and less whiny walks this week.