Walking with Our Lord, at least part of the way…

Datura? I think. If not, just a big-ass, beautiful white flower

Much better! Sort of. Walked to the Strathcona market under moody skies, and decided that I wouldn’t risk a walk today. But, by mid-afternoon the blue had overtaken the grey and the sun was out. The beautiful sun. Once the sun is out, my choices are limited.

Lots going on in McKinney Park today. I counted three brides having their pictures taken in the vicinity of the park, and one particularly sparkly gal on the Cloverdale Bridge. Overpowering her giggles was the music pounding from the bandstand up the hill. Decided to do a loop around McKinney, coming down the stairs near the Chinese garden. There were long tables full of hotdogs and condiments, and a fair number of people milling about. No signs or anything, so I asked a couple of girls behind one of the tables what the occasion was, and the younger girl gave me a big smile and said, ‘loving people.’ Ah. Jesus. Got it. My suspicions were proven correct when I passed by the band and heard ‘Christ’ several times, and not in a exasperated way. Not a religious person myself, but seeing lots of unmonied folks eating plates full of food seems a better expression of service than some arsehole threatening to burn a pile of Korans.

As I left Christ and his tubesteaks behind, I watched a guy take a huge spill on his, oh, what do you call those things? Skateboard. Yes. Going around a corner on wet cement. Brutal, but the guy was laughing. Once I manually closed my jaw, I vowed never to ride a skateboard. This should be an easy promise to keep, along with my vows to never ride a motorcycle, try rollerblades, or use a Segway (but just because they’re dumb.)

This much needed 90 minute walk did the trick. I feel energized…rejuvenated…almost born again.

Just kidding! Still, nice to walk under blue skies for a change.

5:50 PM/15C

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