Buddha or Larry Tate?

Buddha or Larry Tate?

Beautiful, blue sky day, and we deserve it. Great walk with Tom around the greater ‘hood. Also, at the risk of dating myself, is it just me or does the Buddha look like Larry Tate from Bewitched?

Bluer than blue: MacKinnon Ravine

Ravine is open!

Gorgeous day! Walk down through the surprisingly open Ramsay Ravine (the one in Glenora) to the river. They’ve been doing some much needed erosion maintenance, and also it’s been too icy. The trail was good though.

About 5C but felt much warmer. With grocery shopping early this morning (before the incredible Oilers game at 10:30 am) and then the walk, my total steps: 14,959.

Not too icy, thanks to the sand.
Tom ahead of me. Sunnier than it looked from this direction.

Bohemian Rhapsody in Grovenor

Party on

What a day! 10C and sunny. 12,000+ walk with Tom. Ran across the rare ‘ground waxwings’. They are the real Bohemians.

Wish I could embed a video. The sound was magnificent and there were many more waxwings than shown in the still photo.

Little bridge just west of 142 Street on the way to the bird house
Tom, ahead of me on the MacKinnon Bridge