Cairo Hot

Land of the Pharoahs (northern chapter)

Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but compared to the chilly weather we’ve had lately, not too far a stretch. Stinkin’ hot, in other words, and not especially conducive to a long walk in the river valley with a heat-seeking backpack hanging off my shoulders. Yesterday, however, was gorgeous. No mosquitoes in the woods on a sunny Sunday afternoon, so I figured I’d live dangerously and walk on a sunny Monday afternoon without a layer of chemical deterrent on my skin. Bad mistake. The mozzies were out in their numbers by the Muttart. Even saw a guy spraying some foliage…so hoping to get some action (of the deet kind), I walked toward the truck and realized he was actually watering the plants. Watering_the_plants. I could hear the hostas weeping.


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