It went back into the deep freeze after I returned to work on January 3, and since then no walking. Until today. What a beautiful afternoon! 6C, with a fiercely blue sky.
I drove to Whitemud Ravine north through muddy, wet streets. The hill by the stairs was dotted with many colourful tobogganists, in varying stages of screams (of delight, mostly). I don’t think I recall the hill being used for this purpose, but last year was so much warmer, there might not have been enough snow.
The ravine was full of river valley enjoyists – on foot, toboggan, snowboards, skidoos (on the river) and cross country skis (on the creek). Spectacular walk, but I missed my walking buddy Tom who is studying. I also found myself seriously out of breath on the stairs. Shame on me. I’ve lost considerable ground in the last few months. Hopefully this weather will stick and I’ll be better at getting outside.